The ABA Techshow is less than six weeks away, still plenty of time to register and make travel arrangements to be there; however, if you want the low early-bird rate, you must register by February 8. Techshow remains one of the best legal conferences in North America today, providing terrific educational sessions, an opportunity to see and evaluate the best in law office technology, and maybe the best of all, to network with other lawyers from across the U.S. and Canada. (Nothing like working out a little business while working on your business!)
Techshow remains conveniently in Chicago, but has moved across town to the Chicago Hilton, which promises to be a great new layout for getting more out of the conference. One of my favorite new events in 2007 returns this year too: Taste of Techshow, is an opportunity to enjoy a small group dinner at a wonderful local restaurant with other lawyers interested in using technology to improve their law firms. I co-hosted a table last year with 2007 Techshow chair, Dan Pinnington, and we both agree it was a great evening. Look for the Taste of Techshow sign-up at the Techshow Concierge Desk at the Chicago Hilton.