I haven't had a chance to blog about the Legal Talk Network, an interactive multi-media resource for lawyers. LTN is a prime mover in the new era of Internet broadcasting--podcasting if you must. It's really "on-demand" radio, allowing the listener to select their own content and play it at a time most convenient for them--a far more efficient use of time to learn.
While I have been a listener for months, last week I had the privilege of being a guest on Coast to Coast, a weekly program hosted by attorneys, Bob Ambrogi and J. Craig Williams. The program tackles topics of great interest to lawyers; recent editions address DNA evidence, tort reform, and the "Battle Over Blackberry". I was pleased to talk with Bob and Craig about the business of law. While the practice of law is a profession, a law practice is a business. The business of law continues to change, and lawyers must continue to remain aware of those changes and act accordingly. As Will Rogers once said "Even if you're on the right track, you'll still get run over if you just sit there." Our discusssion is definitely worth 30 minutes of your time!
There are many other great programs for lawyers on the LTN, and more are added each week. You can listen to any of them right from your desktop, or download to your MP3 for listening on the way home or anywhere you choose. Gotta love technology!