Yes, a gift guide. And I don't make a penny from it. No links to Amazon, no Google-Ads. Go figure! It's just my way of making life easier for lawyers, their spouses, colleagues and partners. I've never even attempted it before so I can honestly say it is by far the best gift guide I have ever compiled. I've been spanning the globe to find the best gifts for lawyers. Practical gifts, fun gifts, outrageous gifts, and more. Whether you are buying for your partners and associates, or are looking for ideas for your favorite lawyer, here are 10 recommendations that will please even the most discerning barrister:
ABSMini Back-up System: This pocket-sized external hard-drive is not only practical, but is one of the sexiest tech products to hit the market . It's sleek form is a cross between a pewter hip flask and a stainless steel cigarette case. But don't let the small size fool you, it can hold over 60 gigs of your most important data. It comes complete with BounceBack Express back-up software to make it the perfect back-up system for a notebook computer or home or office computer. Prices start at under $180.
Custom-made Wooden Computer Peripherals: Enhance the look and feel of your office by adding solid wood peripherals from Wood Contour. Whether it's a solid wood monitor in European Cherry, a wireless mouse in American Walnut, or a keyboard made from a solid slab of mahogany, these one-of-a-kind pieces will set your office apart from all others. Prices start at $150 with exotic wood sets topping $2300. Sweet!
Airzooka: He who dies with the most toys still wins, and this is a must-have toy. The Airzooka is a harmless plastic toy that shoots a ball of air over 30 feet, and it will knock a hat off your head at 20. I oughta know, my sons and I each have one! A great way to blow off some steam in the home or office. About $14 from on-line and traditional retailers.
The Successful Lawyer: From the ridiculous to the sublime. The ABA brings us an amazing audio CD set featuring over 5 hours of profitable ideas and practical advice from global legal management guru, Gerry Riskin. The CDs contain 4 to 11 minute segments on a wide range of useful topics, including creative thinking, getting referrals, active listening, becoming more profitable, overcoming fee resistance, delegating assignments, and managing time. It makes the perfect commuting companion, not to mention a worthwhile investment in your legal career!
R/C Laser Tag "Shocking" Tanks: For the competitive spirit in any law firm, these remote control battle tanks are the ultimate in "friendly" competition. When engaged in battle, just shoot your infra-red cannon at your opponent. A successful hit will deliver a shock to your opponent via his or her controller. Luckily, the controllers come with wrist straps to avoid them from accidentally being thrown across the office. Be sure to get a pair for you favorite opposing counsel!
Legal Comedy: The Austin Bar & Grill Singers are a truly talented group of lawyers who find the best and worst of our profession to skewer and lampoon. Any of their three CDs would make a thoughtful stocking stuffer, sure to bring a smile to the face of even the most jaded of all attorneys. But don't take my word, listen to a clip here.
Bose QuietComfort 2 Headphones: Yes, I own a pair of these marvels, and they are worth every penny of the $300 my wife spent for them. If you travel by air with any frequency at all, a set of these will make your trip far more enjoyable. No cabin noise, no crying babies. You'll arrive at your destination with a whole new attitude!
Griffin iTalk: Turn Your iPod into a dictation machine with this $40 Apple add-on from Griffin Technology. The iTalk plugs neatly into the top of your iPod for hours of dictation time. The question is, does it make your iPod tax deductible?
Leave it to Hammacher Shlemmer to offer the most advanced practical golf joke. The Remote Control Golf Ball looks like a real ball, but includes a remote, allowing you to change the path of the ball, confounding your golfing partners. Two balls and remotes are $40. Of course, having two will definitely lead to racing them down the office hallways.
Auto Safety: We're all guilty of talking on our cell phones, holding the phone to our ear and driving with one hand. Not smart, but the phone makes a commute or drive to court more productive. Bluetooth wireless headsets are changing that, and the Logitech Mobile Traveller Headset is the tipping point to make the switch to hands-free talking. No cord, clear sound, a WindStop microphone and other features makes for an excellent solution. About $80 at traditional and on-line retailers.